Invitation to “Neighbours: Policies and Programs Gathering” – 8 June 2015

February 19, 2015

Dynamic neighbourhoods are the foundation of strong cities and municipalities. Engaged citizens and residents are essential in creating strong neighbourhoods. Community-based organizations play an important, catalytic role in making positive community change possible.

You are invited to join renowned neighbourhood-builders John McKnight, Jim Diers, Vickie Cammack, Milton Friesen and Paul Johnson to explore the policies and programs that build our neighbourhoods and strengthen our municipalities.

As neighbourhoods are unique and dynamic, so is this gathering! The home base for this national gathering will be the Dr. John M. Perkins Centre, in Hamilton Ontario. It is a community centre and affordable housing complex which supports social entrepreneurship. This Gathering, a fulcrum between policies and programs, will be an interactive event that includes neighbourhood walkabouts, learning labs, evening entertainment, story-telling, and keynote sessions, all while we feast on locally sourced food made with love.

Neighbours: Policies and Programs will welcome community-builders from a diversity of sectors throughout North America. Here you will find the inspiration, knowledge, programs and practices you need to cultivate the leadership to engage and mobilize citizens and then work with them to realize their shared hopes for the future. The Gathering will explore the emerging patterns, innovative programs and policy priorities that are needed to establish a supportive environment for citizen-led, neighbourhood engagement which can serve as a catalyst for system-wide innovation.

If you have any questions contact Christie Nash (christie[at]