
  • Enns, A., Rizvi, A., Quinn, S., Kristjansson, E.  Experiences of Food Bank Access and Food Insecurity in Ottawa, Canada. Journal of Hunger and  Environmental Nutrition, 2020 
  • Pearce, S., and Kristjansson, E.  Physical and Social Perceptions of the Neighbourhood and Youth Volunteerism: Canada’s Capital Region. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research. 10 (1): 41-60, 2019.
  • Jull J, Whitehead M, Petticrew M, Kristjansson E, Petkovic J, et al.  When is a randomized controlled trial health equity-relevant? Development and validation of a conceptual framework. BMJ Open: 7:e015815. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015815, 2017.
  • Petkovic J, Welch V, Jull J, Petticrew M, Kristjansson E, et al.  How health equity is reported and analysed in randomized trials. Protocol for Systematic Review.  Cochrane Library, 2017
  • Lafontaine, S., Sawada, M. and Kristjansson, E.  A direct observation method for auditing large urban centers using stratified sampling, mobile GIS technology and virtual environments.  International Journal of Health Geographics. 16 (6), 2017.
  • Welch V, Jull J, Petkovic J, Armstrong R, Gough D, Grimshaw J, Kristjansson E, et al.  Protocol for the development of a CONSORT equity guideline to improve reporting of health equity in randomized trials. Implementation Science.  10:146, 2015.
  • Egan MY, Kubina LA, Dubouloz CJ, Kessler D, Kristjansson E, Sawada M.  Very low neighbourhood income limits participation post stroke: Preliminary evidence from a cohort study. BMC Public Health: 15: 528., 2015.
  • Kristjansson, E.  Francis, D.K., Liberato, S., et al.  Food Supplementation for improving the physical and psychosocial health of socio-economically disadvantaged children aged three months to five years.  Full review. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 3, 2015.
  • Kristjansson, E., Gelli, A. and Welch, V.  Costs, and cost-outcome of school feeding programs and feeding programs for young children. Evidence and recommendations. International Journal of Educational Development. 48; p 79-83, 2016.
  • Dahrouge, S., Hogg,W., Ward, N., Tuna, M., Devlin, R.A., Kristjansson, E., Tugwell, P., Pottie, K.  Delivery of primary health care to persons who are socio-economically disadvantaged: does the organizational delivery model matter? BMC Health Services Research. 13:517, 2013.
  • Kristjansson, E. for the Ottawa Neighbourhood Study Team. From Evidence to Action: Research Translation of the Ottawa Neighbourhood Study. Invited presentation at the Melbourne School of Public Health. April 23, 2013.
  • Kristjansson E. Betsy “Where I Live, How I Live: From Evidence on Neighbourhood Environments, Health, and Health Inequalities to Action”,  4th International Conference of Community Psychology, Barcelona, Spain, June 2012.
  • Kristjansson E. “Researcher-Practitioner Health Equity Workshop: Bridging the Gap”, National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health (NCCDH) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Population and Public Health (CIHR-IPPH) Conference, Toronto ON, 15 Feb 2012.
  • Kristjansson E.  “Where I live; how I live – From evidence on neighbourhood environments, health, and health inequalities to action”, 10th International Conference on Urban Health,  1-5 Nov 2011.
  • Parenteau, M. -P., & Sawada, M. C. The modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP) in the relationship between exposure to NO2 and respiratory health. International Journal of Health Geographics, 10:58, 1-15, 2011.
  • Prince, S., Tremblay, M., Prud’homme, D., Colley, R., Sawada, M, Kristjansson, E. Neighbourhood differences in objectively measured physical activity, sedentary time and body mass index. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, 1(3), 182-189, 2011
  • Prince, S.A., Kristjansson, E.A., Russell, K., Billette, J.-M., SAWADA, M., Ali, A., Tremblay, M.S., Prud’homme, D. A multilevel analysis of neighbourhood built and social environments and adult self-reported physical activity and body mass index in Ottawa, Canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 8(10), 3953-3978, 2011.
  • Parenteau, M.-.P, & Sawada, M. C. The role of spatial representation in the development of a LUR model for Ottawa, Canada.  Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health, 1-13, 2011.
  • Prince, S.A., Kristjansson, E.A., Russell, K., Billette, J.-M., Sawada, M., Ali, A., Tremblay, M.S., Prud’homme, D. Relationships between neighborhoods, physical activity, and obesity: A multilevel analysis of a large Canadian city. Obesity, 2012.
  • M.-P. Parenteau, M. Sawada, Sam Herold, Elizabeth A. Kristjansson, R. Labonte, et al.  A Participatory Geomatics Approach to Defining Health-Relevant Neighbourhoods in Ottawa, Canada. Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, Vol. 84 No. 6: 856, 2011.  
  • Kristjansson, E., Calhoun, M., Leclair, S. Russell, K., Bilette, J.M., Sawada, et al.  “Neighbourhood and individual characteristics that predict healthy eating and overweight/obese Body Mass Index”. Why Place Still Matters: Community Forum, Ottawa, 2010.
  • Katherine Russell, Amira Ali (presenting), Elizabeth Kristjansson, Jean-Michel Billette, Mike Sawada.  “Preventative health care, socio-economic status and individual health outcomes in Ottawa Neighbourhoods”. Why Place Still Matters: Community Forum, Ottawa, 2010.
  • Parenteau, M.-P., Sawada, M., Kristjansson, E.A., Calhoun, M., Leclair, S., Labonté, R., Runnels, V., Musiol, A., and Herold, S.  Development of Neighborhoods to Measure Spatial Indicators of Health. URISA Journal, 20(2), 43-55, 2008.
  • Parenteau, M.-P., Sawada, M., Kristjansson, E.A., Labonte, R.  “A geomatics approach to Mapping the relationship between inequalities in neighborhood quality and health disparities”. Integrating GIS & CAMA Conference,  Las Vegas NV, 2007.
  • Prince S.A., Kristjansson E., Russell K., Ali A., Prud’homme D., Tremblay M., Sawada M. “Built and Social Determinants of Adult Physical Activity, Overweight and Obesity in City of Ottawa Neighbourhooods”. Canadian Society of Epidemiology and Biostatistics National Student Conference, Ottawa, 2009.
  • Russell, K., Ali, A., Kristjansson, E., Sawada, M., and Hole, D. “The Ottawa Neighbourhood Study: Neighbourhood disparities in the determinants of health in Ottawa”. Canadian Society of Epidemiology and Biostatistics/Association of Public Health Epidemiologists, APHEO/CSEB Conference, Ottawa, 2009.